A weekend of fun

Julie checks out the kitchen while unpacking and talking on the phone. Can she multi-task or what?!
Looking back at the cottages from the end of the pier. With the water below and all around us, the soothing sound of the surf helps you sleep like a baby.
This is the Crystal Pier from the air. Steve took this shot thanks to Julie's surprise gift. See the next picture and you'll understand.
Julie arranged for Steve to take a flight in this restored 1929 TravelAir Biplane. With the help of a Navy fighter pilot, the 60-minute tour included a flight down the coast and a swing inland to the Wild Animal Park.
One of the best parts was that, apart from the takeoff and landing, Steve got to fly the plane. Julie (who isn't as big a flying fan) cheered him on from the ground.
Wendy and Holly (you can see their relections in the window) took this picture of Mom and Dad on our cottage patio.
We haven't been to the zoo in years. So we made a point of spending our Saturday there.
We got to visit all our favorite critters.
It turns out that Holly has something of a giraffe fixation. So she was especially happy to see them in a talkative mood.
We paused along the trail several times to give Julie some rest time. But those turned into good photo ops.
Julie reveled in the flora and fauna but, apparently, she wasn't the only one with an "uplifting outlook."
Holly and Wendy pause to practice their flamingo imitations.

Check out some of Julie's recollections of the weekend on our "Cancer Diary" page.

Okay, not everybody appreciates having their picture taken.   The girls pose with the commemorative hippo as our day winds down. (They had real hippos, too, but this one was easier to pose!)