Good Golly, Miss Molly!

A lady in South-Central LA ran a little puppy mill out of her house. Dogs were kept and bred, puppies were sold. Then, the lady passed away. Her children came and took all her possesions, but simply abandoned all the dogs. They roamed the neighborhood, starving. One was killed by a passing car. A nieghbor was concerned about their hungry strays wandering around. (He mentioned that they had even chewed through the TV cable outside his home.) He rounded them up into his van and drove them them to the pound. He was unloading the herd as Shelley from Noah's Bark (an animal rescue organization) conincidentally arrived. Shelley offered help and noticed that two of the dogs were pregnant. She looked at the Animal Control Officer, who already knew what she was thinking. "Put them in your car," he said. "I never saw them." Shelley tooks the two moms-to-be and placed them in foster homes until their puppies were born and weaned. They were then offered for adoption. When we met Molly, Steve instantly bonded with her. We turned in our 8-page adoption application and were approved on the spot. We're so delighted to have this adorable dog around the house. She is gentle, loving, eager to please and smart as a whip.


Julie's hands, folded in prayer, caress her

The Cancer Diary

Julie's journey through cancer is over. However, her faith and optimism made the trip unique. Perhaps our experience can help you find your way down the difficult path you may be walking. Check out our cancer diary and follow us through the last 10 months of the life of a truly amazing lady.