Entries for 9/1/05 - 9/15/05
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I just have to laugh! For those of you who know me well, I used to be proud to say that my main food groups were peanut butter/peanuts, chocolate, pretzels, popcorn and dairy products, including milk and cheese. Matter of fact, a great energy boost snack for me was a cup of milk, a chunk of cheddar cheese and some pretzels. : ) Years ago, my sweet Holly did an intricate, 3-D art project for me that had a happy woman’s figure surrounded by a carton of milk, a pretzel, a bar of chocolate, a bag of popcorn (complete with lots of yellow “kernels”) and a jar of peanut butter. I still have all those adorable items in my headboard cubby, where I see it often…and dream of the days! But I’m finding that God has taken away my cravings as I’ve “detoxed,” and it’s such a cool feeling that He cares about all the little details of my life, too. What an awesome, compassionate Lord! - J


A stellar day! First, I was able to meet with my holistic doctor, Dr. Yeh, this morning when I went in for my latest acupuncture treatment. I told him I was really struggling with physical weakness and light-headedness, and needed something to change, even though I was very committed to the detox diet he has me on. Well, the cool thing is that the doctor said, “Yeah, you know I felt like that, too, when I did this…so I know what you mean when you say you feel out-of-control and fuzzy in the head.” So, since I’ve lost 20 pounds now over about 2-and-a-half weeks and been very faithful to his leadership on this, he said it was time to try to include a few more items back in and see how that goes for the next two weeks. First, I can have some salmon or sea bass each day, a piece of pork once a week, maybe one egg a week, and some nonfat cottage cheese. But my favorite discovery is that I LOVE SOY MILK!! Since dairy has always been such a staple for me in my diet – sometimes we’d run to the store late at night just so I could have “what I need” – I told him cow’s milk is what I missed the very most. Since I still shouldn’t have that, the soy milk is the perfect substitute. It comes in flavors, believe it or not (chocolate and vanilla), but I’m just drinking the regular flavor, and that tastes so creamy and lovely, you just can’t believe it. At least it does to me, having been denied milk for so long. I’m in heaven, friends! I can have one or two cups of that a day. Yum!!

And the second thing that was so cool today was that a dear friend arranged for us to meet with the Elders at his church tonight to share our testimony and pray for healing. It was a wonderful time of encouragement and warmth and fellowship for all of us; there were about 7 guys who anointed me with oil, laid hands on me and prayed with fervor, compassion, great love and faith. I don’t know who got the most out of it; them or me! Of course, we had to share hugs all around after our prayer time…you know me. But it was a wonderful blessing, and we’re grateful that our friend believes and cares for us that much that he would arrange and stand with us in this. Thanks, Tim! - J


In I Samuel, chapter 15, verse 22, it says: “Obedience is far better than sacrifice.” (NLT) That really captured my attention. When I choose to be obedient to the Lord, my will totally aligns with His. But when sacrifice is involved, although sacrifice is usually such a very good thing, it seems that my will is actually involved a great deal. If you read the verses around that verse, you’ll see that King Saul thought he’d followed God’s will and been obedient, but had actually made some personal, willful choices about plundering that were definitely not what the Lord had in mind…and Samuel wasn’t shy about telling him so! It cost Saul a lot…so I hope to become more obedient as the days go by! - J


Today was another physical challenge for me and the family. Our daughters had joined us at our vacation spot, and we were looking forward to spending the day at the San Diego Zoo. It was amazing!! But with my legs feeling so weak, I was concerned that I would be able to keep a good pace. No worries! The zoo is arranged in gradual, lovely paths, clearly marked. And after we had lunch and took a general bus tour of the layout, we were able to go everywhere and see everything at a leisurely rate. It’s so very beautiful with all the years of flora and fauna woven in and the constant expansion and improvements of exhibits to allow the animals a more-natural habitat. It was especially great to be with “adult” kids who truly enjoyed the diversity and scarcity of what they were seeing. And we really did have plenty of time to see the most amazing of God’s creatures very closely!! One of our favorite parts of the day was enjoying the Skyway over the entire park. So many great memories…and we were able to preserve most of them on film. (Click here to see pictures from our weekend.) But, for me, the best part was that even though I was walking like “ET” some of the time and an “Energizer Bunny” at others, my family thought I was cute and were very proud of me. At the end of the day, I still had plenty of energy (Holly said her feet were tired, but mine weren’t!). We all ended up very content with our adventure and had a lovely, lovely dinner on our way home. It was the perfect family day!! - J


OK…under the heading of “I can’t believe we just did that”: Steve and I were given the gift of two vacation days in the La Jolla / San Diego area. (Click here to see the pictures and story.) And because we were in such a beautiful location at the beach…and also given an underwater camera as part of the gift…why not go snorkeling? Well, the company I signed up with said their midday combination kayak/snorkeling trip was their most popular. So, trustingly, off we went. Our first hint that we might be in trouble was when Steve had to help pull on my wet suit which, once we had struggled into, the young guide said, “Oops…it’s inside out.” Once that was rectified, we hiked several blocks to the beach with our paddles and snorkeling gear while the guide trekked out the kayaks. We were actually feeling pretty good as we drove straight through the waves into the surf (another team our age finally gave up and we ended up beating the 20-somethings to our meeting point). As fans of the “Amazing Race,” we were thinking, “Hey, we showed them!” : ) Oh…but then how the situation shifted! First, the guide said, “We’re not gonna snorkel here, as planned; we’re gonna go check out the leopard sharks’ mating area.” So, we began to paddle…into the wind and waves…with Steve doing all the work! Soon, because he was trying to propel himself, our gear, our double kayak and his basically weak, ineffectual wife…he was in real pain. But he never wavered and just kept pushing on as the “kids” and guide pulled further and further away. When they finally stopped and we caught up, it was to say that it had become so rough that we wouldn’t be checking out the sharks, after all. And now, it was time to head for our new snorkeling spot, over by the cliffs. Egad!!! Off they went, with Steve and I trailing again as he mightily kept pulling on the oar. At last, after we had traveled about a mile or so against the wind and through rough swells, we tied up with the other kayaks and finally got to snorkel. Of course, it was beautiful to be in the water; I pretended I was a fish and just enjoyed the waves pushing me around by the cliffs and seeing the variety all around me. Steve dove down deeper and got much closer to all the natural beauty. We saw two sea lions, lobster and plenty of critters doing their fishy thing which actually made me very grateful I wasn’t one of them! When our time was up, I was exhausted and barely made it back into the kayak. However, once we got all our gear stored and got underway, we made good time back to shore with the help of the wind and waves. Now, that was exhilarating!! And we almost made it all the way into shore without flipping the boat, but not quite. I ended up with my head in the sand under the kayak, but not panicked. I just didn’t have the strength to stand up in the surf. So, when my beloved Steve came to assist me, I thanked him by grinding my paddle into his foot! What a trooper; he grimaced but never left my side. When I made it to the shore, I actually was so pumped we endured this that I had extra energy to get back to the shop. I was giddy…and very, very grateful. It was only afterwards that I remembered that Steve had shared the news that everyone’s favorite “Little Buddy” had just passed away: Bob Denver, the eternal Gilligan. Perhaps that was a sign we should have reconsidered this special “3-hour tour”?? - J


Wow…I’m just a grain of sand. I had the most curious sensation upon awakening this morning: the vast universe hung over me, gentle and expanding, even as I became aware of it. And I was this tiny, tiny speck on its edge…but I felt so cradled and significant, even so. I’ve been reading through the Old Testament recently, and the promise that God made to Abraham that his descendants would be as a numerous as the “dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.” And, amazingly, I’m part of that “dust” and share (as we all do) in the inheritance of that immense promise from our Creator, the God of the Universe. I felt His presence this morning…His care, His compassion…and my place in His plan. Now, that’s the way to start a day!! - J


Checked in with my oncologist today, and found out that my blood counts are all stellar! Because I’ve felt so sluggish, I assumed that my iron supply was off; not true! My red and white cells (and others) are well within the normal range – hurrah!! But since my potassium count is a little low (yes – my dear aunt, the nurse, was right on with her wisdom on this!), she suggested I take a potassium supplement…and pump up the dark, green leafies, potatoes and bananas a bit more. I’m so there! In addition, my “liver function” count is only slightly elevated from what it was last time. (Liver function counts are like golf scores--lower is better.) My abdominal region is soft and pliable, except for one spot…and we’re working on “detoxing” and sending that away! Stand with us, friends!! - J


Talk about the God of details…last night was an evening we won’t forget! I slept until about 6:30 p.m., and then Steve and I headed to the Hollywood Bowl for a concert we had been looking forward to for months: his Father’s Day gift from me, composer John Williams directing his movie music. I was able to rest the whole way there and when we arrived, God directed us to the absolute closest parking space available to the entrance...and put us at the back of the line so we weren’t blocked in afterwards! So cool!! And even though I was weak, Steve and I had plenty of time to slowly walk up the stairs and hillside to our seats (I laughed later that I probably looked a bit like the “mummy” with my stiff, clumping steps – ha! – but with my daily walks, I had no trouble making the grade!). Our seats were ideal, and I didn’t have to get up even once for a bathroom run!! The weather was clear and cool; the crowd was very appreciative and classy; the music was sublime. Most of the concert, I just listened with my eyes closed which was very soothing and healing, and I felt my energy building as the evening went on. The second half began with the most-perfect film monsters and villains and Hollywood beauties and heroes clips montage you could imagine, all underscored by William’s music, from “Jaws” to “Star Wars” to “Superman.” Then the chorus and orchestra really got going…to a crowd that was on their feet and waving their hands as the evening drew to a close. However, Mr. Williams came back for no less than 5 encores…and finally, since he had to return for the same program the next night…he put his head to the side on his hands in a gesture of sleep…and we all jubilantly headed for home! An easy walk down the hill for Steve and I and a pleasant ride home wrapped up a totally wonderful…although unexpected…day.


Well…stick a fork in me…I was done! I apparently picked up some sort of “24-hour bug” today which just laid me out! Started my usual morning routine (Holly to school, a.m. walk, meds) and a couple of hours later was in the process of my morning meal (special tea and veggies)…and my body revolted! I lost everything…and for the rest of the day, I couldn’t eat or stay away from the bathroom. Even though I had a fever, I felt a peace about the whole experience and decided to just “go with the flow” (pun intended!) and pamper myself. So, though I did slowly get a few chores done and scripts written, I mostly slept. It was sweet and guilt-free! Now, here’s the coolest part: when it came time for my afternoon commitments, God guided me with laser-accuracy through the high school crowds to pick up Holly faster than ever before (even though I was late) and we were able to stop on the way home to finish her shopping for a birthday party she was going to that evening. I slept when we got home and just as Holly awoke me to take her to the party, in walked dear Steve who zipped her over, right on time! Our God is the God of details…even such tiny ones as mine which He cares about, still, in the vast scope of this lurching and turbulent world. – J


Two dear sisters in faith – prayer warriors – stopped by yesterday with an unexpected and incredible gift for me: a prayer quilt that they had commissioned from a group called the “Prayers and Squares,” a chapter of “Sew Blessed Quilters” based at a church in Chino. Its vibrant blues and yellows are both cheerful and soothing, and each little square and fabric swatch was obviously chosen and stitched with loving care and great skill. I have no gifts in this creative arena...except for a profound appreciation for the abilities and availability of others who do!! In addition to the craftsmanship, the quilt is covered with “prayer knots” which represent so many prayers and thoughts for me – tied by both the stitchers and mutual friends that these two gals had contacted so they could add their personal touch and compassion to my quilt. There are even knots left over for my hubby and girls to add their prayers! Wow...I am so humbled and speechless over this gift of love...and life! And thank you...thank you...to all of you who contributed to this very personal, lovely project. It’s so beautiful and cuddly; I will cherish and use it daily. And it will be an heirloom of faith and hope for our family for the future!! - J


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